We need YOU!

We Need You!

We are looking to connect creatives and skilled people to the resources we have and create items we can sell rather than yet more waste to be sent to landfill.


Maybe you have an interest in upcycling fashion or can turn industrial items into furniture?


We can provide the resources such as raw materials, tools and equipment for anyone who would like to get involved. We just need to find the talent to create!


We have a large warehouse full of donated items which might just include something for your next upcycling project!


The difference you will make

All items produced will be sold with proceeds going to Age UK Bradford District, helping fund hugely important work providing information, help and support, advice and a wide range of activities for older people in communities across Bradford District. Your support will directly help them to feel less lonely, healthier and become more connected and financially secure.

Contact us for more information


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